Special Applications – Omniablok

The adaptability of Omniablok enables numerous variations in usage, making it easier to employ in specialized applications

Struttura per Pannelli Fotovoltaici su Facciata

The Omniablok system is ideal for façade constructions as well. The vertically installed frame facilitates the installation of photovoltaic panels at the centre and powder-coated expanded metal panels along the perimeter. The structure can be independent or fixed to the building wall. The outcome is both visually striking and functionally efficient in terms of energy output.

Designed for utmost aesthetic appeal

Structural integration

Custom-made design

100% customizable


Building protection

Thermal Expansions

Without risk of breakage

Project -based estimates

Quotation from executive drawings

Pannelli Fotovoltaici su Pensilina

Realizzate in struttura reticolare con nodo di giunzione brevettato Constructed using Omnia’s patented junction node for grid structures, the photovoltaic shelter by Omnia Structures covers expansive areas typically designated for vehicle parking. The spacing between columns usually ranges from 10 to 12 meters, and galvanized structures can also be painted. Additionally, anti-hail netting can be installed between panels in the vacant spaces.

Panels tiltinig upon request

From 0° to 15°

Tailored painting

Grid structure, pillars and capitals

Project -based estimates

Project -based estimates

Designed for utmost aesthetic appeal

Premium finishes

Certified structure

Engineering report

Sail structure

The sail-like structure combines Omnia’s grid structure for support and inclination with the Omniablok system for securing photovoltaic panels. This setup is fully supported on the roof, eliminating the need for ballasts or roof penetration.

Panels tiltinig upon request

From 0° to 20°

No ballast weight

Or further weight

Custom-made design

100% customizable

Full Assembly Kit

Bolt fasteners included in the supply

Project -based estimates

Quotation from executive drawings

Floating Deck

The Floating Deck structure allows the installation of photovoltaic panels on a flat surface, lifting them from the terrace to minimize shadow areas caused by parapets. Comprising a blend of Omniablok and Omniasystem components, the height of the grid is customizable


Walking on the frames

No ballast weight

Or further weight

Custom-made design

100% customizable

Full Assembly Kit

Bolt fasteners included in the supply

Project -based estimates

Quotation from executive drawings

Find out what benefits make Omniablok the solution to your problems:

Omniablok benefits


The structure’s weight is minimized due to its complete connectivity

Quick laying

Error risk-free quick-laying

No drilling

Few roof fixings  


In Italy and abroad


Upon request, the resistance certification is drawn up

No ballast weight

Being a modular reticular linked structure

This is a staging environment